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NewLevel Group

January, 2008

“Nonprofits are the first line of defense against the cruelties of a deteriorating economy.”
Rip Rapson, President of the Kresge Foundation

With the gloomy economic outlook for 2008, one doesn’t need a crystal ball to predict that nonprofits will be more hard pressed than ever to deliver much-needed services to an ever-growing client base. Challenges abound for the public sector in the coming year and NewLevel Group is here to help. We now offer a broader range of fund development services including strategic plans for fund development, capital campaign planning and execution, and grant writing. Please contact Lisa Toller at (707) 255-5555 x 103 or if you would like more information. Together, we can make a difference in the community and beyond.

The NewLevel Group Team

In this issue:

Emerging Trends

Matchmaking, Nonprofit Style

Crafting Messages That Stick

About us

Emerging Trends

What are some of the up-and-coming nonprofit trends to watch? Here are five that we find particularly insightful from Tracy Gary, the author of “Inspired Philanthropy”.


Bill Peatman

Matchmaking, Nonprofit Style

Finding the perfect grant is not unlike finding the perfect mate. In this article, Bill Peatman shares how to find the best match for your nonprofit.


Crafting Messages That Stick

One of the many books that circulated in our office over the holidays is “Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan Heath. Any organization can improve its key messages with a few simple ideas.


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